Alameda Solar Project
Overview About the Project
Alameda is a proposed 90MW solar project located in Fauquier County, VA. The project will consist of solar panels mounted on racking affixed to steel pilings driven into the ground without the need for concrete foundations.
The Alameda Solar Project is being developed by
Open Road Renewables. Open Road is a renewable energy company focused on developing utility-scale solar energy projects in the United States.
Open Road's highly experienced team is on a mission to bring domestic energy, grid security, and economic benefit to communities across the country.
The project has committed to decommissioning within 40 years, at which time the land must be returned to agricultural use via a permanent conservation easement.

Key Benefits

Continued Agricultural Use
The underlying land will be maintained by sheep grazing operated by a local farmer who will be paid a salary to maintain the grasses in addition to their revenue gained from the sale of lamb. Timbuktu farm where Alameda is proposed is uniquely-suited to host a sheep grazing operation given the extensive farm infrastructure in place from a previous cattle grazing operation. Alameda has contracted with a local farmer to own and operate the sheep farm.

Minimal Impact
The solar panels will be set back 200' from roadways, and vegetation including trees and shrubs will be planted within the setbacks to obscure the project from view of neighbors and passersby. The solar panels will be mounted on steel posts driven into the soil without the use of poured concrete. Existing drainage will be maintained and the entire site will be planted with hardy, native grasses, even under the solar modules. Alameda will be required to bond the project's eventual decommissioning, allowing for adequate funding to return the site to its current agricultural condition.

Permanent Preservation
The project will be required to decommission within 40 years, at which time the land must be placed into a permanent conservation easement.

Soil Regeneration
The Type 1 Soils Survey performed by Fauquier County shows that less than 2% of the land is classified as "Prime Cropland." Top soil will be preserved, and the rotational grazing is expected to increase organic matter in the soil by as much as tenfold. Solar panels do not contain toxic chemicals that could leach into the soil.

Local Economic Benefit
The anticipated $21M revenue generated by the Alameda Solar project over 40 years will help prevent county-wide tax increases and will support local schools, EMS, and additional services.

Rigorous Standards
The Alameda Solar project is preparing to be evaluated by the Fauquier County Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors, who will confirm that the project is properly planned and will have a positive impact on the surrounding community. The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) must also evaluate the project before it may start construction.
Project Details

Project Location
Alameda will be a photovoltaic ("PV")
electric generation facility located in Fauquier County. The Project will have a maximum nameplate capacity of 90 MW. The Project will occupy about 465 acres of agricultural land, which will be returned to farming after 40 years. Construction of the facility is expected to begin as early as 2025 and take approximately 12 months.
Project Design
Maximum capacity: 90 MW
Total fenced area: 465 acres (+/-)
Inverter Type: Central
Racking type: Single-Axis Tracker
Foundation: Driven Pilings
Maximum height: 12 feet
Minimum SetbacksÂ
Inverter setbacks >500' from non-participating residences
Perimeter fence setback >200' from non-participating residences
Perimeter fence setback >200' from property lines and road ROWs